Threading and Function Composition

4 minute read Published: 2025-01-15

One of the features I started using extensively this year is a threading macro. Also, I wanted to give an honorable mention to some higher-order functions we have out of the box from Racket.

NOTE The word "thread" in this context means passing a value through a pipeline of functions and has nothing to do with concurrent threads of execution.

TLDR; It's just syntactic sugar to flatten nested function calls for readability. With this macro, you can rewrite (add1 (exact-floor (log num 10))) as (~> num (log 10) exact-floor add1).

I first bumped into this concept while doing some Clojure coding challenges on Exercism. Those macros are part of the core Clojure language, so you don't need to install any libraries. In Racket, unfortunately, you have to install the threading-lib package first, e.g. raco pkg install threading. That actually was one of the reasons why I hadn't used it for a long time, just tried to avoid third-party packages as much as possible.

First of all, the package documentation is extremely well written, so please just check it out. Here is one more quick example to give you a taste of it. In functional programming, we often push our data through a pipeline of functions, transforming it step-by-step to get the desired result. Here is one of the countless ways to transform a string into its acronym; comments show the state of the data at every pipeline stage going left to right:

(require threading)

(define (acronym str)
  (~> str                           ; "Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor"
      string-upcase                 ; "COMPLEMENTARY METAL-OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR"
      (string-split #px"[\\s_-]+")  ; '("COMPLEMENTARY" "METAL" "OXIDE" "SEMICONDUCTOR")
      (map (curryr string-ref 0) _) ; '(#\C #\M #\O #\S)
      list->string))                ; "CMOS"

Now let's take a step back and talk about some tools Racket gives us out of the box to combine functions together. The function provided in TLDR uses some arithmetic operations to calculate the number of digits in a given number. We could use compose or compose1 functions here to combine those building blocks together. Let's note some of the differences between those two approaches:

(define digits.v1 (compose1 add1 exact-floor (curryr log 10)))
(define digits.v2 (λ~> (log 10) exact-floor add1))

Not only does compose apply those functions in reverse order, but we also had to use curryr to provide an adapter for the log function - if you're unfamiliar using curryr here is basically equivalent to (λ (x) (log x 10)). The threading macro will always try to plug the value into the first parameter hole but also provides that magic _ that allows you to specify where to put it, as we did in the line (map (curryr string-ref 0) _) ; '(#\C #\M #\O #\S) of our acronym example. λ~> or lambda~> here demonstrates how we can obtain a function that represents the pipeline to pass it into another higher-order function, e.g. map or filter.

A lot of those functions could save you from writing yet another lambda or currying a function. I want to finish this text by mentioning a couple of functions provided by racket/function and racket but not racket/base. Let's give an honorable mention to the identity function, which is surprisingly useful for a function that just returns back whatever you passed in. Here is a simplified example from SICP - functions sum-cubes and sum-integers are implemented in terms of a higher-order sum function:

(define (sum term a b)
  (if (> a b)
      (+ (term a)
         (sum term (add1 a) b))))

(define (sum-cubes a b)
  (sum (curryr expt 3) a b))

(define (sum-integers a b)
  (sum identity a b))

As a bonus, identity could be used to filter/count all the non-#f elements of the list:

(filter identity '(#t 'foo #f #f 42 #f #f "bar")) ; '(#t 'foo 42 "bar")

Sometimes we need to combine predicates in place during filtering - conjoin, disjoin, and negate are for the rescue. We can express "give me a function that checks if a given value satisfies ALL of those predicates" as (conjoin pred1? pred2? pred3?). Similarly, you can ask if a value satisfies AT LEAST one of the given predicates with (disjoin pred1? pred2? pred3?). In this example, we have a two-dimensional grid map like in a classic rogue, #\. is a walkable floor tile while #\# is a wall that blocks the way. Combining in-bounds? and is-wall? together with conjoin and negate allows us to get a list of all available steps from a given tile.

(define N 3)

;; dungeon map with size N x N
(define A (vector #( #\# #\# #\# )
                  #( #\. #\. #\. )
                  #( #\# #\# #\# )))

;; access cell at (cons row col)
(define (at posn)
  (match-define (cons i j) posn)
  (vector-ref (vector-ref A i) j))

(define (in-bounds? posn)
  (match-define (cons i j) posn)
  (and (>= i 0) (>= j 0) (< i N) (< j N)))

(define (is-wall? posn)
  (char=? (at posn) #\#))

;; list of steps from current cell
;; one step in each direction
(define (wasd from)
  (match-define (cons i j) from)
  (list (cons (sub1 i) j)       ; up
        (cons (add1 i) j)       ; down
        (cons i (sub1 j))       ; left
        (cons i (add1 j))))     ; right

;; list all the available steps from cell (1 . 0)
;; you can't move through the walls or leave the map
(filter (conjoin in-bounds? (negate is-wall?)) (wasd (cons 1 0)))
; with the same result as
(~> (cons 1 0)
    (filter in-bounds? _)
    (filter-not is-wall? _))